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I get by with a lot of help from my friends.

Writer: Christine HaggertyChristine Haggerty

We all know that famous Beetles’ song: I Get by With a Litte Help From my Friends.  It’s a great song and true for most of us.  We all need help.  The trick is, who do you go to for help?  Who is a good listener? Who is a trailblazer in their selected field and can help you?  Who is professional and 100 percent trustworthy? Who is truly happy when you do well, reach a difficult goal or achieve something that you never thought possible, and is a powerful advocate for you?   Sounds like only a parent or a grandparent, or a special auntie or cousin could possibly fit this tall order, not just once, but time after time after time.  I am here to shout from the rooftop that I have found a group of friends, some professional, some family, and some neighbors, who fit this bill to the tee.

As a Pranic Energy Healer and Spiritual Counselor, I truly enjoy what I do, it’s my passion and I thank God every day that He has provided me the gifts and opportunity to offer this service to people in need.  However, I am human. I get tired, and yes, I even get sick.  Heck, even a medical doctor catches a cold every now and then. Please don’t think because I’m an energy healer that I am above the germs and illnesses that are on this planet.  Remember, I am not a robot or Mr. Spock from Star Trek.

Here is what I want you do know.  When I need help due to illness, the first person I go to is Elizabeth Tallboy at Biophoton Treatment in Meridian, Idaho.  Her Healing Center is called:  Milano Wellness.  She is a holistic health practitioner and her approach to healing is gentle and non-invasive.  I think of her healing technique as an intersection of science and spiritual light energy repairing on a cellular level. You can reach her at 208 401-5193. She also advertises in HedraNews.

The next person I connect with when I need help is my Pranic Energy Healing Mentor, Alison Sahoo in New Town PA.  I learned a long time ago that it is always best to walk a humble path and to remain coachable.  My dad used to tell me, “Chris…never get too big for your britches.”  My mentor Alison has her own Pranic Healing Center back East and teaches several advanced classes for practicing pranic healers, and introduction classes for beginners.  She holds several university degrees and is smart as a whip, yet remains gentle, humble, and patient.  My dad would like her.

My final group of friends who help me on a regular basis are my prayer warriors. I can contact them 24/7 and they will drop what they are doing and pray for a client or for someone who is facing a mountain of difficulties. These powerful prayer warriors are discreet, never asking unnecessary questions and always follow through with their own personal way of praying. They are powerful, holy, and humble. And yes, my dad likes everyone on this team.   Because they wish to remain anonymous, I will only use their first names:  Kelly, Colleen, Cynthia, Cindy, Shelby, Rosamary, Molly, Ashley, Kari, Sonja, Laurie, and Bonnie.

Thank you all for being my Rock, and for bringing Holy Light where it is most needed.

Gratefully getting by with a lot of help from my friends



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