The Power of Love and Light

The only way to rid the world of darkness is to dissolve it with light.
Love is light. Understanding is light. Forgiveness is light.
In Pranic energy healing, we teach our clients to remember that we all carry this light within ourselves and can tap into it at any time. Pranic energy healers are trained to teach their clients how to use this technique of tapping into their own reservoir of light and love, to keep their energy clean and to send healing energy and light into the world through a powerful meditation called Twin Hearts. When working with a pranic energy healer or spiritual guide, clients begin to understand that this light is always more powerful than the darkness. Our souls instinctively know that love conquers hate and hope is more powerful than despair, joy is greater than sadness, and courage disintegrates fear. Yes, the energy of courage can disintegrate the energy of fear. And yes, darkness can be dissolved by Divine Light.
Our Great Pranic Healing Teachers, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Master Steven Co, Master Glenn Mendoza, and others, have taught us that we were never meant to live in fear. We were never meant to live a life filled with anger or bitterness. We were never meant to withhold forgiveness from others or from ourselves. The great mystic, Alice Bailey, and other Holy Beings of Light, including Lord Jesus Christ, have taught us that we are created from love, to live a life of love, to become the essence of love, and to share this gift not only with our friends and family, but with the entire world.
This has always been the message, mission, and prayer of Into the Light Healing Center. We welcome everyone with an open heart and have deepest respect for their individual journey and life experiences. We judge no one. We are here to help bring healing to the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. We are here to bring peace, unity, and wellness to all who enter our doors. We achieve this with lovingkindness and non-injury which are two of the virtues we practice daily as energy healers and wisdom teachers.
I recently was given a book by one of my clients called, SIGNS by Laura Lynne Jackson. It is a beautiful book and highly recommended. The author states that she believes that earth is a school, and we are all students. We are here to learn how to elevate ourselves and how to help other souls by sharing our powerful light and energy.
We are learning a collective lesson in love. We must remain open and coachable to the collective lessons of love to become the very best version of ourselves.